All in pink within the Maviflex teams

Publié le 18 October 2021

Tous en rose-MAVIFLEXIn support of Pink October, Maviflex organized a Pink Day.

Maviflex is a story of women and men who combine their skills and give meaning to a common goal. For this reason, Maviflex undertakes a preventive approach by proposing a Tous en rose day. Moreover, Maviflex has set up a fundraising event in October and has donated this collection to the association Pink October.





The Tous en rose day at Maviflex

On October 18, many employees gathered in pink at the Maviflex premises. The day consisted in showing support to the people directly affected by this cancer, but also indirectly. In addition, Maviflex has undertaken an internal communication, intended to prevent this cancer by opening the word.

Setting up a fundraising campaign

For several weeks, the Maviflex teams mobilized and set up a collection of donations. Thanks to their mobilization, 100€ were collected for the association Pink October. For this first edition, Maviflex is proud to support this cause. They were then destined to the association in order to support them in their awareness campaign and proposed activities, but also to support the research.


Tous en rose-MAVIFLEX