Industry Week 2022

Publié le 22 November 2022

Semaine de l'industrie -MAVIFLEX Industry Week 2022

November 21-27, 2022 is Industry Week #SEDI2022.

The manufacturing industry continues to meet the challenge of its environmental and digital transformation.

The weight of industry in France

In 29 years, between 1990 and 2019, the French manufacturing industry has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 46%.

Over this same period, the reduction in CO² emissions from this sector of activity accounted for 62% of the total reduction in emissions produced in France.

Finally, in 2019, the manufacturing industry was responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, i.e. 78M tons of CO² equivalent.

Breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions in France in 2019

Tableau émissions CO²-MAVIFLEX

If you want more information, do not hesitate to consult the site

Maviflex’s commitment

Maviflex bases its commitment with determination on its transformation: investments in new machines, digitalization of processes and working methods, energy efficiency of the new plant and high-speed doors…

Anne-Sophie PANSERI, director of Maviflex is associated with the UIMM so that Maviflex accompanies young people to the professional insertion in the industrial trades #FiersDeFaire. From the 9th grade students in observation internship to the students in alternation, Maviflex wishes to involve this new generation in the development of the industry of the future.