Maviflex and Entreprise du Futur towards digital transformation

Publié le 30 September 2024

20240917 - Visite Entreprise du FuturMaviflex and Entreprise du Futur towards digital transformation

Benefiting from of Visiativ perspectives, Maviflex welcomed experts from Entreprise du Futur on September 17.

Entreprise du Futur, supported by Visiativ, is a platform designed to support the managers of SMEs and ETIs in their digital transformation. The program offers tools, training and a community to help them meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.

Participants shared their experiences and ambitions in terms of digitalisation at the heart of the industry of the future and growth.

20240917 - Visite Entreprise du Futur

Photos © Olivier Ramonteu

Maviflex warmly thanks all the participants for their valuable contributions.