World Down Syndrome Day
Publié le 21 March 2024
FABulou’s Rugby Team – Club Seyssins
World Down Syndrome Day
World Down’s Syndrome Day has been celebrated on 21 March since 2012.
Trisomy 21: Did you know?
Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome (after the doctor John Langdon-Down), affects 1 in 400 pregnancies.
The syndrome, discovered in 1959 by French doctors Marthe Gautier, Jérôme Lejeune and Raymond Turpin, is one of the most common chromosomal anomalies.
There are thought to be around 50,000 people with trisomy 21 in France.
World Down’s Syndrome Day: why March 21 ?
The date 21/03 is symbolic. It refers to the extra chromosome carried by people with Down’s Syndrome, which causes multiple health problems and physical and intellectual disabilities. They have 3 chromosomes 21 instead of 2, hence the choice of 21/03.
Maviflex, sponsor of the FABulou’s Rugby team
Fabulou’S Rugby is an adaptive sports club that facilitates the integration and recognition of people with mental disabilities in a separate club.
The association fosters their independence by encouraging them to integrate into the community while discovering rugby. The values of this sport, such as surpassing oneself and team spirit, are passed on to them while they enjoy playing together.
Maviflex has been sponsoring the FABulou’S since 2021 to support the association in its development and give as many people as possible access to a sport and an opportunity to fulfil their potential.
You can follow their news and sporting prowess on a daily basis on their Instagram account: @lesfabulousrugby.
And you can find out more about their ambition in this video from the YouTube channel of ‘Gilbert Poggioli’, FABulou’S referent.
Mismatched socks for this day:
Wearing mismatched socks for World Down Syndrome Day raises awareness of difference. It’s a simple, symbolic and essential action that shows we accept everyone and celebrate diversity in society.
Maviflex employees also lend their support:
At Maviflex too we’re supporting this day based on acceptance of everyone. On Thursday 21 March, we put on our colourful solo socks to add more colour to our outfits.